How to share Jesus at Halloween

 Greetings friends,
I want to apologize for the lack of posts!   The only excuse I have is that I've been busy with the needs of my family and church.  However, I will attempt to post more in the future as time becomes available.
As the spookiest time of the year approaches, I want to challenge you to show Jesus to those masked kiddos a Halloween.
One way is to remind them that no matter how scary they are, God loves them and wants to give them gifts (salvation) just like you want to give them candy and treats.  
You can also explain that everyone wears a mask but it can't hide who is inside. The Lord God's mercy and grace is available to all but we don't need to hide behind a mask to receive it.  
If we will share the Gospel with our kids, we will see an entire generation have "good seed" sown for a future crop to be harvested.   NEVER GIVE UP!    Someone didn't give up on you!

Happy Halloween! 

Pastor Brad

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